Austin Teen Therapy was created in the summer of 2014 by Lindsay Camp, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist to give teens and their families a resource for insight, growth, and tools for thriving.

In 2019, Austin Teen Therapy grew into a small group practice to better serve more Austin area teens and their families while also supporting talented therapists. Over the years, those amazing therapists helped build ATT what it is! These days, we see clients all across Texas with the accessibility of teletherapy!

take a look around.

If you find a therapist you are particularly drawn to, you can email them directly via the links on the individual pages.

We are trying to break up with toxic grind culture, so expect a few days to hear back, read more about our new communication policy here.

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A million thank you’s to

Zarina Moreno

Charmecia Morris

Sammi Drogosch

and all of the other amazing ATT therapists who left their mark on Austin Teen Therapy.



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austin teen therapy Mission Statement

at Austin Teen Therapy, all are welcome.

Our mission is to strive for attuned connection through inclusivity, boundaries, and mindfulness. We take seriously the privilege that it is to step into someone’s inner world and we tread lightly and with intention. As clinicians, we mindfully embody what it is to be human: to make mistakes and repair, to remain curious and in awe, to have a working understanding of our edges, and to ask for help when in need. As professionals, we seek to evolve our craft while remaining true to what brought us to the role.

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Austin Teen Therapy works hard to be:


All Austin Teen Therapy therapists are committed to personal and professional practices of: being gender/sexuality/etc identity affirming, anti-racist, and body neutral. Our commitment to social and racial justice frames a lot of our work. We know that we cannot promise safety for all, because safety is subjective, but we hope this serves as a signal that you are welcome here.

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There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you
— maya Angelou
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There’s power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there’s grace in being willing to know and hear others
— Michelle Obama
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